BEF Marketing Co-ordinator helps Bradford school pupils get ahead
Shaun Connell shared his time, knowledge and experience to help pupils improve their interview skills.

BEF Marketing Co-ordinator, Shaun Connell, spent a morning volunteering with the Ahead Partnership, a social enterprise that bring employers and education partners together to create focused employability activities which build confidence, resilience and aspiration.
Shaun was one of twenty business volunteers who participated in practice interview sessions with over 200 Year 9 and 10 pupils at a high school in Bradford.
"The experience was highly rewarding. Good interview technique is an invaluable life skill that can make or break a future opportunity. I'm pleased that I was able to share my knowledge and experience with the pupils.”
The interview sessions were often a brand new experience for the pupils who learned about what a business may seek when looking for new recruits.
“I interviewed and gave feedback to ten pupils who were fantastic, full of energy and ambitious! They included future teachers, doctors, a Premiere League footballer and a car salesperson who all benefitted from the sessions. I'm confident that exam success, focused development and my feedback will help them achieve their dreams. I wish them every success with their future study, interviews and careers.”
If you would like to volunteer your time to help Ahead Partnership, please visit