social impact report & annual statement

Enquire about a business loan

Tell us about your lending needs by filling in our short enquiry form. We'll then review your enquiry and an Investment Manager confirm your next steps. If your business has traded for less than three years and you want to borrow up to £25,000 you may wish to apply for a Start Up Loan.

Personal Details

Address Details

Business Details

Amount Required


Contact Details

Extra information

Your Agreement

If you provide information about any other people you represent or as part of your loan application (for example, they may be co-directors, business partners, shareholders or guarantors), you must ensure that you have their personal authority to do so and to act on their behalf.

By ticking the box below you confirm and declare that you have that authority and that the individuals concerned have read and agree with the contents of our Terms of Engagement, Privacy Notice, Personal Guarantee Notice and Transunion Privacy Notice.

Credit Search

Before you proceed, please note we will undertake a personal credit check on you and will require other parties (co-applicants / directors) to provide consent at a later date should your initial enquiry progress to full application.

Human Check

Before you proceed, please complete this human check to ensure you are the person making this enquiry.

For information about how BEF will use your personal information please see our Privacy Policy.